
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Chevrolet Kalos Sport

Chevrolet Kalos Sport. Chevrolet Kalos 1.4 Auto SX, Hatchback, Manual, Misty
  • Chevrolet Kalos 1.4 Auto SX, Hatchback, Manual, Misty

  • frauen1
    Mar 29, 11:42 AM
    I recently had a chance to use one of these things. What a poor experience! Way over-animated and truncating large text is not the key to a good user experience (My favorite truncation is "Powerpoir" - is that the French version of Powerpoint?). After a bit you start to realize that they just don't get making an interface that is the size of the screen in hand (no pun intended). They still want a larger screen. It's a shame, because I wanted to like it, and I had heard good things from the pundits, but it clearly needs a really good once-over by someone who understands how to actually do something on a small screen.

    Chevrolet Kalos Sport. 2006 CHEVROLET KALOS 1.2
  • 2006 CHEVROLET KALOS 1.2

  • gleepskip
    Apr 20, 09:59 AM
    I'm a pretty serious Apple fanatic and I'm willing to scrap my family's iPhones because of this. I know the government can track me anyway by watching my movement across cell towers, but this is a huge affront to privacy.

    If you tie this story to the recent news from Michigan that cops there are able to suck the data off of your phone at a traffic stop, then this is really frightening.

    Chevrolet Kalos Sport. CHEVROLET Kalos 1.2 SE,
  • CHEVROLET Kalos 1.2 SE,

  • snebes
    Apr 30, 02:59 PM
    I will be happy to upgrade to this. Real question is, with the wide screen 27", do I truly need me 25.5" 2nd monitor any longer...

    Chevrolet Kalos Sport. Chevrolet Kalos 2005.
  • Chevrolet Kalos 2005.

  • AlBDamned
    Aug 23, 06:12 PM
    You seem to be unfamiliar with our court system. This case could have dragged on for YEARS, and cost Apple a TON of money--possibly far more than 100 Million.

    Not really. Creative was going broke. This was the best possible outcome for them.

    To Apple it could have made all the sense of a business deal.

    Imagine the lawyers:

    "Ride it out and you may win or you may lose and it'll cost you $200-250 million.

    Pay up now, get Creative on board, don't appear to be the bad guy and close any issues with patents - now and in the future - for $100 million."

    Chevrolet Kalos Sport. Chevrolet Kalos 1.2 S 5
  • Chevrolet Kalos 1.2 S 5

  • fawlty
    Sep 13, 09:36 PM
    I assume the screen would be a touch screen. I would hate to start dialing numbers using the click wheel.

    I can remember when all phones used a wheel for dialing numbers...

    Chevrolet Kalos Sport. Used Chevrolet Kalos Sport 1.4 3dr, Silver, 45250 miles, in Bath, Avon. Second Hand Cars.
  • Used Chevrolet Kalos Sport 1.4 3dr, Silver, 45250 miles, in Bath, Avon. Second Hand Cars.

  • chopsuey158
    Sep 9, 10:13 PM
    I'd say switch the last two, make the ipod the 'one more thing' event and have the itunes movie store presented after the new mbp's. That would be a smoother transition ("oh, on your new mbp, you can download movies with the new itunes movie store") and then after that say "and one more thing, we also have the new ipod for you movie enjoyment." Who knows (besides steve jobs), but that's just my two cents worth.

    Chevrolet Kalos Sport. Chevrolet Kalos, Blue, ABS,
  • Chevrolet Kalos, Blue, ABS,

  • Eraserhead
    Sep 19, 05:20 PM
    FWIW $50M/year is ~0.2% of Disney's revenue (they made ~$30B/year for the past few years). Definitely not chicken feed, but not earth shattering either.


    That's revenue not profit, their profit was $5 billion in 2005 so $50M is about 1% of that, remember that the money from iTunes is practically all profit as their are no real costs for Disney (other than giving Apple a few video files which probably costs $100 000 a year maximum.)

    Chevrolet Kalos Sport. Chevrolet Captiva LTZ, Sports
  • Chevrolet Captiva LTZ, Sports

  • SolarJ
    Mar 23, 09:35 AM
    It's hard to believe it's been almost three years since my first mac, definitely time for an upgrade as I am using parallels v.6 for Auto-cad inventor and even the 6 GB of RAM is keeping it slow.
    I really hope the 24" is re-released. It is the perfect size and plus I have a Samsung Syncmaster 24" display that I don't want to dwarf. :D:D:D

    Chevrolet Kalos Sport. Chevrolet Kalos 1.2 S 3DR,
  • Chevrolet Kalos 1.2 S 3DR,

  • justflie
    Oct 27, 08:10 AM
    They do build in obsolescence into the ipod as you can't replace the battery (easily). It does become a disposable item, although a pricey one at that. I do love the ipod (even though I don't own one) but this puts me off to the point where I just can't go through with actually buying one. My experience with rechargeable batteries in mobile phones and lap top isn't good.
    Meh, don't worry about the batteries. Sure, some people have problems, but my 3G ipod is still doing surprisingly well! It may have lost a little bit of charge since I bought it but it still lasts at least 7 hours. Maybe I'm just lucky. Or maybe it knows it needs to behave before the sweet widescreen video ipod comes out. Or else. :D

    Chevrolet Kalos Sport. Chevrolet Kalos 1.4 SX Auto,
  • Chevrolet Kalos 1.4 SX Auto,

  • aegisdesign
    Sep 10, 04:55 PM
    I remember back in the 2nd half of the 90's, HP came out with the dual Pentium II processor configuration, which only ran on NT. At the time I was administering a new Sparc network and we had a Sun 690MP with 4 ultra-Sparc processors. I thought is was cool that MS PC's had moved to multiple processors.

    However, I was disappointed to learn that the 2nd processor could be only be used for little more than a coprocessor. So, I did some reading about the relationship of the Bus design, processor architecture and the OS. It made me appreciate Sparc a lot more.

    That's bollocks.

    Both processors on Windows NT going back as far as NT3.1 at least will run at full speed, share tasks between them if threaded or just run one task on each.

    There was even a hack to have the Explorer (the equivalent of Finder) run multithreaded that sped things up on multi-cpu machines. I've almost always tried to have multi-CPU desktop machines even if that meant a little slower for each CPU. Back in 97-98 my favourite machine was a dual Celeron 366 overclocked to 550Mhz each. Each CPU was about $80. It creamed boxes costing much more but was also really smooth to use since there was also a spare CPU quite often to keep things ticking along whilst CPU1 was tied up.

    Chevrolet Kalos Sport. Chevrolet Kalos 1.2 SE 5
  • Chevrolet Kalos 1.2 SE 5

  • Peace
    Sep 5, 12:00 PM
    iLounge has received the same invitation (

    Chevrolet Kalos Sport. Chevrolet Kalos 1.2 SE,
  • Chevrolet Kalos 1.2 SE,

  • Half Glass
    Aug 29, 06:23 AM
    After looking around the apple website this morning.. I don't believe that we are getting the new chips until AFTER the iPod rebate offer.. and here is why.

    The only legal way Apple could offer the new processor would be to offer it ONLY to out-of-education persons. If you read the fine print of the Apple iPod offer, it ONLY lists the current models (and G4) as acceptable units to use when filing a rebate.... if they were to place the new chip models on the store, it would invalidate the rebate, should someone have the old rebate forms, and a new machine. Just a thought.

    As stated earlier in this thread, this is absolutely not true. The MacPros are included in the rebate and they were NOT available when the promotion started. They were added as elgible purchases after release.

    Its almost 7:30 EST, and the store is still up. Not a good sign for action today.


    Chevrolet Kalos Sport. Chevrolet Kalos 2005.
  • Chevrolet Kalos 2005.

  • KingCrimson
    Apr 30, 04:44 PM
    If you look closely though, Microsoft made LESS in revenue ($16billion to Apple's 20billion) but almost equally matches Apple in profit (5.3 billion to Apple's ~6billion). All things equal, Microsoft is still a better company in terms of profitability range due to their significant lower revenue but a close call on profit standards.

    That's quite a spin. Almost a pure software company SHOULD have higher profit margins to a 50/50 hardware/software company. The fact is AAPL stock is so high because investors like that AAPL has many profit engines and a good history of bringing new ones online every year. MSFT has not had a real hit in forever.

    Chevrolet Kalos Sport. Chevrolet Kalos 2005.
  • Chevrolet Kalos 2005.

  • ~Shard~
    Sep 13, 09:12 PM
    Go away- just go away.

    Can we all just agree not to talk abiout this thing until it is actually out? There is so much BS about this thing, maybe it does not deserve anything until two weeks after it is out... if ever.

    Sorry man, this is MacRumors. If you don't like talking about rumored products and such, sign up for an account on MacFacts. :p :cool:

    The mock-up looks cool - definitely something that I could see Apple designing. It bares quite a similarity though to LG's Chocolate phone... ( ( (

    Chevrolet Kalos Sport. CHEVROLET Kalos Sport勁裝亮相
  • CHEVROLET Kalos Sport勁裝亮相

  • dba7dba
    Apr 21, 07:01 PM
    if samsung stops providing displays to apple, it would be the best thing ever..NO MORE YELLOW TINT ISSUES!!!

    yellow tinted displays are from LG i believe. in fact i don't think samsung supplies displays for iphone/ipad/

    I'm pretty sure there will countless companies willing to take on Apple as a new customer.

    Willing but are they able?

    Desire and Ability don't always come together.

    In Korea, they even run the government through many arms.

    And you think US is run by our govt? Nope, people on wall street. try again, samsung hater.

    Chevrolet Kalos Sport. Chevrolet Kalos 1.2 Se. peças
  • Chevrolet Kalos 1.2 Se. peças

  • Warbrain
    Sep 26, 08:27 AM
    i`d once bought an unlocked T-Mobile Sony T610 in India and it worked absolutely fine with all the GSM providers I tried. So in case even if this iPhone is exclusive to Cingular we`d still be able to get it to work here(fingers crossed).

    I'm willing to bet that Apple won't use the same techniques as other cell phone manufacturers use to lock their devices as the OS will be developed by Apple. It'll be much like the Sidekick, which is locked to T-Mobile in such a manner that it's a pain in the ass to unlock it and even then a lot of the features are crippled since they won't work on any other network.

    Chevrolet Kalos Sport. Chevrolet Kalos used car
  • Chevrolet Kalos used car

  • eye
    Mar 23, 06:25 PM
    Pull them... As trauma surgeon I see the tragedies caused by drunk drivers EVERY Day. Whoever is on agreement to provide means to avoid check points is invited to my local trauma center to see the victims and their families. If we can save one life, one innocent student or parent, even someone who made the mistake of drinking and driving... I would consider this worth.

    Besides, the cost of taking care of those who do not die, but spend weeks months or years in the hospital due to a drinking related accident is enormous.

    Speed radars are another big issue. In my state, its ok to refuse a helmet while driving a donor-cycle, as we call them, yesterday alone, we lost one kid who is waiting for transplant procurement and half a dozen were admitted with severe injuries most of them traumatic brain injuries while driving motorcycles.

    And what if the apps encourage people to not drink and and drive? You're basing this on nothing. No facts whatsoever on whether or not this will promote or make drunk driving easier. Please don't be my surgeon if you're not into facts.

    Chevrolet Kalos Sport. Chevrolet Kalos used car
  • Chevrolet Kalos used car

  • cube
    May 3, 12:03 PM
    Daisy chaining displays over the Display Port connector and/or the/a monitor or cabling that supports it not just Eyefinity.


    Chevrolet Kalos Sport. Chevrolet Kalos 1.4 Sx
  • Chevrolet Kalos 1.4 Sx

  • AidenShaw
    Mar 23, 04:34 PM
    I heard lame snide remarks like yours when USB first showed up. "Only Macs have it!"

    In that case, you were only listening to the ignorant. USB ports were common on PC systems a year before the toxic plastic CRT Imacs shipped.
    (click to enlarge)

    I upgraded a half dozen systems in early 1997 - yep, they had USB ports. I built a system with an Asus P2L97-S motherboard in fall '97. Yep, USB ports.

    When "USB first showed up", only PCs had it.

    But, no surprise, few devices were available at the start of 1998 and software support was erratic.

    Have fun debugging Apple's ThunderPort support. If the new MBPs couldn't run normal programs without locking up and crashing - do you really think that after waiting months for your ThunderPort disk drive (no price listed, that's scary too) that it will "just work".

    It probably will work most of the time after the second firmware update. You may have to wait for the "early 2012" MacBooks for it to always work.

    Apr 30, 08:36 PM
    Sorry, but you're totally wrong.

    Play(load a level under medium settings), and PLAY are two different things;) There is NO MAC (much less the mGPU blessed iMac) that can max Crysis (@ native res) at livable frame rates(>30)...especially not at 2560x1440.

    Sep 5, 09:03 AM
    If we see new macs when the store is up. then it will be clear that the upcoming event will be only iPod related. here's to mac updates this morning!:D

    If there are Mac updates coming, why is only US store down?

    Mar 23, 02:05 AM
    GeekBench 2 benchmarks of the new MBPs with Sandy Bridge would indicate otherwise. This review said: "....the fastest MacBook Pro is 80% faster than the fastest previous-generation MacBook Pro.". My guess is a similar situation might be true for the iMac and it will be faster ( otherwise, there's little point to a rev )
    I think the point is, the new computer Apple builds today will not slow down the one you purchased yesterday. The older computer is just as good as it was the day you got it.

    RE: all you guys wanting real Mac rumors. With the next round of desktop systems, Apple is moving away from the Mac and into the Granny Smith. The iGranny will have a Blu-ray drive and it can double as an ironing board. The iGranny will also augment the video and sound with smellovision thus allowing websites and movies to replicate smells. (This will work well for food adds, not so much for zombie movies.)

    Apr 25, 03:37 PM
    No keyboard, no trackpad. iPad built-in as horiz touch-surface for configurable keyboard & trackpad area, and instant-access to data on the mac thru iOS + apps. BAM! Crazytime.

    Man o man would the typists be pissed.

    ...just like they were when the iPhone came out.

    Sep 14, 09:46 AM
    YES!!! We just had an Apple event and we're having another one?! I love looking forward to these. Obviously Aperture 2.0 is going to be showed off, but what else? I'm hoping for new Cinema Displays, but that's kind of doubtful. Probably updated MacBook Pros will be announced. :)

    Post Title Chevrolet Kalos Sport